Kars4Kids Parenting

Top 10 Lies Kids Tell

lies, pinochio, nose grows, lies kids tell to parents

Kids lie. They just do. Some do it more frequently than others while an especially rare form of child will lie just once, never to sin again.

Yeah. Right.

“You are so busted,” said big brother to little brother, who sported a chocolate mustache while yet denying he’d used up the last of the chocolate milk powder.

“What are talking about? I didn’t make chocolate milk. Seriously. I don’t even like the stuff.”

“Idiot. Go look in the mirror.”

They lie to their siblings, but worst of all, they lie to YOU. They do it to get out of unpleasant tasks. And they do it because they think you’re too stupid to know better.

The first time it happens you feel crushed. He betrayed your trust!

But when it becomes habitual, you just sigh, resigned to the fact that he’s doing it again. Except for those times you feel fed up and completely lose it.

Yeah. That happens, too.

I thought about this when I walked into my kitchen this morning and saw that one of my children had washed the dishes. Except something didn’t make sense to my eyes.

Contrary to popular dish-washing child belief, this rack for pot lids has no special powers and will not clean pot lids when they are returned to this space after usage (photo credit: Varda Epstein)

The day before I had made grilled cheese sandwiches. So the skillets were washed and in the dish drain, as were the other dishes and utensils I’d used. So according to my mental inventory, everything was there except for the pot lids I’d used to cover the skillets. They were in the handy dandy pot lid rack the DH and I had purchased at Ikea.

I had this hunch, born out by experience, that the child who washed the dishes, had put the pot lids back into the pot lid rack, without washing the lids. He thought I’d never catch on.

Except that this had happened before.

I took the lids out of the rack and sure as shootin’ there were spots of congealed butter on their undersides.

It was a lie so predictable, he shouldn’t have bothered. But he did. And so enters another lie kids tell, for the annals of our family history.


To soothe my frustration, I decided to compile a list of the ten top lies kids tell, at least in my home:

I told you mine, now it’s YOUR turn. What are the lies your kids tell?

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