Kars4Kids Parenting

What to Leave Your Babysitter When You Go Out

Happy babysitter with child on lap

What to leave your babysitter when you go out, is at least as important as choosing the right babysitter. It can take some time to set up everything you need to leave your babysitter when you go out. For this reason, it’s a good idea to schedule a block of time in advance of the event for setting up all the information and equipment that your babysitter will need. That way, you can prepare for the babysitter when you aren’t pressed for time. Also, if you are well-prepared, and your babysitter is well-prepared, there will be no worries weighing heavy on your mind while you’re out having a good time.

You may have found the perfect babysitter: a person you trust who has lots of experience. Your child may adore her. But the babysitter, in some ways, is only as good as the information she has, and the tools you have provided.

The babysitter should have a list of emergency contacts. She should also know what to do in case of emergency. Then too, the location of basic first aid items in your home should be written down.

What to Leave Your Babysitter: Beyond Emergencies

But preparing for the babysitter goes beyond emergencies. Your child’s schedule should be laid out clearly for the babysitter. And your expectations should be clear: what is the babysitter to do in your home with your child, while you are away? Do you expect the babysitter to do homework with your child? Is she required to read to her?

It’s possible you will need to make minor adjustments to your babysitter preparations at some point. If you move to a new home or city, you might have to update your list of emergency contacts. Or say you get a new phone number: you’ll need to update it in your babysitter contacts list. By the same token, as your child grows and develops, her list of her interests and favorite toys may need to be changed. But these are the kind of swaps that are easy to make once you’ve set everything up with care, the first time around.

Babysitter Information Template

What to leave your babysitter when you go out, depends on your home, your preferences, and your child. No two sets of parents will have the same set of rules and information. Here is a suggested babysitter information template you can use to create your own personal plan:

Contact Parents If:

Baby or Child’s Schedule and Routine

Emergency Contact Phone Numbers:

In Case of Fire:

While all the above information is quite vital, I would recommend you get a 24 Hour Fire Watch service if you do not have the basic fire extinguishing system at your place.

Babysitter House Rules

Parents’ Location

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